Love. . . Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tis, the season to think more and more about one of my best friends, which was my dad who passed away during these holiday seasons. I'm certain that many miss him as much and some like my mom extremely more then me, but since he is on my mind so much more and more each day I thought that I would put a blog about him that I could look at and read, and maybe that would help me feel some comfort. There are few people who live up to the legacy of who this was was. He was beyond amazing and there for so many people. for me personally, he was there for me when I was diagnosed with my Lupus and comforted me on so many days that followed. He cried many tears with me, as did my mom on the days that followed, but at the same encouraged me to be strong for those around me who needed me. I know that my brothers spent so much more time with him snowmobiling, but I always knew that he was there for me, and I spoke to him several times per week. He was such a wonderful example of a father and a husband. He treated my mom so sweetly and she in turn just as sweetly and respectfuly. They had a wonderful relationship.

In my mind sixty-nine years old is too early for us to lose this wonderful man, even though we know he is in a better place. But I know he is doing a far better work up there then he could be doing here. I guess that I just wanted to put down that I miss him and think about him everyday and love him beyond measure. And that is what I would tell him if I could.
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Friday, November 7, 2008

Tyler is being made an Elder this Sunday is Stake Conference. He has been working so hard towards this and is so excited. He has been attending a Book of Mormon Institute Class and a Missionary Institute Class at SLCC and thoroughly enjoying them. I think that he has more side notes in his scriptures then scriptures. A couple of weekends ago he attended what our Stake puts on, which is called a PMA or Priest Missionary Duty. It was fabulous. They invite all the priests from all of the wards in the Stake meet with with all of us parents, the Stake Presidency, Bishoprics, and many other people. So, we went and bought Ty a suit for his mission ahead. The Stake President called them up one by one and gave them their Missionary badge and then they assigned them their missionary companion. When the Stake President called Tyler's name he said, "Wow Elder Rains, Looking Good!" And he did look good in his new fitted missionary suit. (he better anyway it wasn't cheap) We then went into an assigned room where they gave them each of them special blessing with the strength and intuition to be able to find those who might need be looking for them these special weekend, among other special blessings. Then they were assigned a host family to live with for the weekend who would help and guide and provide them for their needs, and then assigned them a Zone Leader. It was amazing. They also were asked to fast after a meal together on Saturday night until they broke the fast together on Sunday night, which is when we all met to pick them up. When we did it was so cute because Ty saw me and ran toward me through the crowd and picked me up and twirled me around (he's 6'3) and said there's my mommy. Two of the other mom's said why don't you do that with me, to their sons, who just shook their heads. Anyway we had a testimony meeting that was incredible. Many tears were shed about the lives they touched the experiences they had and about the people who were waiting for them to come. In the end Tyler and his companion taught 26 discussions of their testimonies of the Book of Mormon and how it has changed their lives and how Joseph Smith is a true prophet of God, as is Thomas S. Monson today, among other true teaching of our church. Ty came home with a strong testimony, then the one that left, and that was only a weekend of doing nothing but serving our Heavenly Father. We're excited to see what two years of service will do.
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